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  1. strangle

    • IPA[ˈstraŋɡl]


    • v.
      squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death;suppress (an impulse, action, or sound)
    • verb: strangle, 3rd person present: strangles, gerund or present participle: strangling, past tense: strangled, past participle: strangled

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    • adj.
      uttered with difficulty, as if from a constricted throat: he let out a strangled gasp

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      uttered with difficulty, as if from a constricted throat: he let out a strangled gasp

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • plural
      a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract of horses, causing enlargement of the ...

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract of horses, causing enlargement of the ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈstraNGɡ(ə)l]


    • v.
      squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death: the victim was strangled with a scarf

    Oxford American Dictionary