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  1. thrash

    • IPA[THraSH]


    • v.
      beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip;hit (something) hard and repeatedly
    • n.
      a violent or noisy movement, typically involving hitting something repeatedly;a short, fast, loud piece or passage of rock music
    • verb: thrash, 3rd person present: thrashes, gerund or present participle: thrashing, past tense: thrashed, past participle: thrashed

    • noun: thrash, plural noun: thrashes

    • 釋義
    • 片語



    • 1. a violent or noisy movement, typically involving hitting something repeatedly the thrash of the waves
    • 2. a short, fast, loud piece or passage of rock music after all those twelve-bar thrashes, my fingers were blistered
    • a style of fast, loud, harsh-sounding rock music, combining elements of punk and heavy metal a grungy thrash band
    • 3. British informal a party, especially a lively or lavish one Henry's charity ball had been one hell of a thrash
