- IPA[tʌtʃt]
- feeling gratitude or sympathy; moved;slightly mad; crazy
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. feeling gratitude or sympathy; moved the star said he was ‘very touched’ to receive his medal
- 2. informal slightly mad; crazy you have to be a little touched to do my job 同義詞 反義詞
- come into or be in contact with: he leaned back so that only two legs of his chair touched the floor the dog had one paw outstretched, not quite touching the ground
- an act of touching someone or something: her touch on his shoulder was hesitant you can manipulate images on the screen at the touch of a key
Oxford Dictionary
- come into or be in contact with: he leaned back so that only two legs of his chair touched the floor the dog had one paw outstretched, not quite touching the ground
- an act of touching someone or something: her touch on his shoulder was hesitant you can manipulate images on the screen at the touch of a key
Oxford American Dictionary
- arousing strong feelings of sympathy, appreciation, or gratitude: your loyalty is very touching a touching reconciliation scene
- concerning; about: evidence touching the facts of Roger's case
Oxford American Dictionary
- arousing feelings of sympathy or gratitude: your loyalty is very touching a touching reconciliation scene
- concerning; about: discoveries touching the neglected traditions of the London Boroughs
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a telephone) having push-buttons and generating tones to dial rather than pulses.
- a touch-tone telephone.
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a telephone) having push buttons and generating tones to dial rather than pulses.
- a touch-tone telephone.
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of an aircraft or spacecraft) land
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of an aircraft or spacecraft) land
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[təCHt]
- feeling gratitude or sympathy; moved: the star said he was ‘very touched’ to receive his medal
Oxford American Dictionary