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  1. turn up

    • ph.
      【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值;露面; 來到
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值 Investment is turning up sharply. 投資額急遽增長。
    • 2. 露面; 來到 We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7. 30, but he failed to turn up. 我們約定7點30分在電影院見面, 但他沒來。 We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up. 我們請她吃飯她都不露面。
    • 3. (失去後)被發現或找到(尤指偶然地) I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days. 我擔保你的手錶準有一天能找到。 He's still hoping something will turn up. 他仍在期待機會出現。
    • 4. (指機會)出現, 到來 He hasn't turned up for work this morning -- I hope he isn't ill. 他今天上午沒有來上班, 但願他沒有生病。
    • 5. 出現, 被發現; 翻起, 翻轉; 開大; 上升; 使嘔吐; 殺死 The share of a plough turns up the soil. 犁頭將土翻鬆。 Please turn the radio up a little. 請把收音機開得響一些。


    【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值


    「【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值」的反義字