1. remove a cover or covering from
- lay bare
- , bare
- , expose
- , expose to view
- , leave unprotected
- , reveal
- , display
- , put on display
- , put on show
- , exhibit
- , unwrap
- , unveil
- , strip
- , denude
2. discover (something previously secret or unknown)
- detect
- , discover
- , come across
- , stumble on/across
- , chance on
- , hit on
- , encounter
- , find
- , find out
- , turn up
- , unearth
- , dig up
- , dredge up
- , root out
- , hunt out
- , nose out
- , ferret out
- , grub out
- , disinter
- , extricate
- , expose
- , bring to light
- , bring into the open
- , unmask
- , unveil
- , reveal
- , lay bare
- , make known
- , make public
- , divulge
- , disclose
- , betray
- , give away
- , smoke out
- , blow the whistle on
- , pull the plug on
- , spill the beans on
- , let the cat out of the bag
- , nail
- , uncloak
「1. remove a cover or covering from」的反義字
「2. discover (something previously secret or unknown)」的反義字