- IPA[ˈiːvnz]
- another term for even money
- 相關詞
- flat and smooth: prepare the site, then lay an even bed of mortar
- make or become even: she cut the hair again to even up the ends thereafter prices evened out
- used to emphasize something surprising or extreme: they have never even heard of the US they wore fur hats, even in summer
Oxford American Dictionary
- flat and smooth: prepare the site, then lay an even bed of mortar
- make or become even: she cut the hair again to even up the ends it's not exactly revenge I want, but I'd like things evened up
- used to emphasize something surprising or extreme: they have never even heard of the United States they wore fur hats, even in summer
Oxford Dictionary
- the period of time at the end of the day, usually from about 6 p.m. to bedtime: it was seven o'clock in the evening the evening meal
- in the evening; every evening: Saturday evenings he invariably fell asleep
- short for good evening
Oxford Dictionary
- the period of time at the end of the day, usually from about 6 p.m. to bedtime: it was seven o'clock in the evening the evening meal
- in the evening; every evening: Saturday evenings he invariably fell asleep
- short for good evening
Oxford American Dictionary
- a member of an indigenous people living in the Kamchatka peninsula of eastern Siberia.
- relating to the Even or their language.
Oxford Dictionary
- a member of an indigenous people of eastern Siberia.
- relating to the Even or their language.
Oxford American Dictionary
- the end of the day; evening: bring it to my house this even
Oxford American Dictionary
- the end of the day; evening: bring it to my house this even
Oxford Dictionary
- then as well as before
Oxford American Dictionary
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