1. remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position
2. take (money) out of an account
3. leave or cause to leave a place or situation
4. cease to participate in an activity or be a member of a team or organization
5. depart to another place in search of quiet or privacy
- go
- , retire
- , retreat
- , take oneself
- , leave
- , depart
- , absent oneself
- , adjourn
- , decamp
- , beat a retreat
- , shut oneself away
- , repair
- , remove
- , betake oneself
- , abstract oneself
6. discontinue or no longer provide (something previously supplied or offered)
- abolish
- , cancel
- , lift
- , raise
- , set aside
- , discontinue
- , end
- , stop
- , terminate
- , remove
- , reverse
- , revoke
- , rescind
- , repeal
- , countermand
- , annul
- , void
7. say that (a statement one has made) is untrue or unjustified
- retract
- , take back
- , unsay
- , go back on
- , recall
- , recant
- , disavow
- , disclaim
- , abjure
- , repudiate
- , renounce
- , back down
- , climb down
- , backtrack
- , row back
- , back-pedal
- , do a U-turn
- , eat one's words
- , do an about-turn
「1. remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position」的反義字
「2. take (money) out of an account」的反義字
「3. leave or cause to leave a place or situation」的反義字
「4. discontinue or no longer provide (something previously supplied or offered)」的反義字
「5. say that (a statement one has made) is untrue or unjustified」的反義字